Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My First Blog!

OMG! I had no-idea how tough it could be to decide on a topic for blogging. I changed my profile picture atleast 10 times before settling on the recycle-reduce-reuse symbol. Initially I wanted to write a blog on what i feel about the various addictive social networking sites. But then decided against it. Next thought was to write about dogs! yes. I love dogs. But then since this blog is associated with my freshman writing class, i found it a bit inappropriate. Next i thought about Chemical engineering as it is my major. Pondering over this idea, I felt that it was a really vast topic to begin with and decided to narrow it down. Just then I saw the band on my hand that read- It All Adds Up. Well I took this as an omen (jk.) and settled on the very common but neverthless important, 'recylcle-reduce-reuse' slogan that seems omni-present these days.  

Environmental sustainability is something we come across really frequently these days. There is increasing awareness on the importance of protecting and preserving the environment. So in the blogs that will follow, I will try to share facts as well as my thoughts on how we can make a difference by applying the slogan - recycle-reduce-reuse into our lives. 

I really appreciate the efforts our University is taking inorder to recylce. Everywhere we can see seperate dustbins for recyclable and non-recyclable waste. The city from where I am, in India, recyling was a distant thought, as it is chances of finding dustbins on the streets were few. Garbage dumps on the street sides were a common sight.  However recently, some NGOs have reached out are making efforts to improve the situation.  
We all know that problems like global warming, ozone layer depletion etc are posing big threats to mankind, and a huge number of minds are working day and night to find solutions. And the most significant way, we can make our contribution is by recycling,reducing and reusing!